ss_blog_claim=87f6acb8cd7b831c31970091fa6a432a Good Things In Your Life: April 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Learn More about Chiropractic Therapy

In general, massage therapy is used to relieve and rehabilitate physical dysfunction and pain through the normalization of the muscular, nervous, circulatory and lymphatic system. Massage therapy improves blood circulation, digestion, muscle healing and recovery. A specific form of massage therapy is called chiropractic therapy. Chiropractic therapy involves readjusting misaligned joints (called subluxations) in order to bring back joint mobility and effectively utilize pain management. If left untreated, misaligned joints can cause increasing amounts of pain. A study in Britain even showed that those who underwent chiropractic therapy experienced more long-term benefits compared to those who only underwent hospital treatment.

Learn More about Chiropractic Therapy

The word “chiropractic” stems from a combination of the Greek “cheir” (hand) and “praktikos” (effective), which reveals the basic foundation of this form of therapy. Practitioners who provide chiropractic therapy use their hands to adjust dislocated joints in the body. Practitioners of this form of therapy operate with the understanding that vertebral displacement results in interference with the nervous system and spinal cord. This interference will then result in decreased bodily resistance to disease. A chiropractor realigns these joints in order to relieve clients of any chronic pain and back pain they may be feeling.

What to Look for in a Chiropractor

A chiropractor is a practitioner who specializes in this form of therapy (which may include pediatric and maternity care) and has completed a post-doctorate degree (either in MSc, BSc, DC or DCM according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization). Chiropractic practitioners are required to fulfill at least ninety hours as an undergraduate before they can go to chiropractic school. They also need to have at least four thousand and two instructional hours or its equivalent in an accredited full-time chiropractic educational program.

Chiropractic practitioners go through the whole process of providing consultations, evaluations of case histories, physical and x-ray examinations, as well as laboratory analyses before treating their patients. During physical examinations, chiropractic practitioners pay special attention to the spine in order to see whether there any structural problems. Chiropractic practitioners cannot prescribe medicine or perform surgery.

Chiropractic practitioners use their hands to realign a client’s spine as they lie face down on a special table. Clients should not be alarmed when they hear popping or cracking sounds since these are normal occurrences during the procedure. Chiropractic practitioners may use other tools such as electricity, water, heat, or ultrasound to relieve pain. Some chiropractic practitioners may provide additional services such as acupuncture and dietary counseling. After treatment, chiropractic practitioners may also suggest a specific diet or exercise regimen their clients may undergo.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Therapy

Chiropractic therapy can relieve arthritis, joint pains, spinal pressure, as well as decrease muscle stiffness. It can improve your overall physical well-being and can be used along with traditional forms of medicine. The Gulfside Health and Rehab Center offers the following services ranging from chiropractic, physical therapy, massage therapy, therapeutic exercise, and spinal traction. The chiropractor at the Gulfside Health and Rehab Center can treat those suffering from an auto accident, carpal tunnel, disc injuries, back and neck, arthritis, sports injuries, and sciatica. Care may vary depending on the need of the client and the severity and frequency of the pain experienced.

Contact the Chiropractor

Drop by the office at 8316 N Hanley Rd, Ste 1-2, Tampa, FL 33634 to learn more about what they can do for you and learn more about their services such as pain management, especially when it comes to chronic pain and back pain. You can also call their number at 813-890-7246 or send a fax message to 813-890-7220.

Gulfside Health & Rehab Center
Contact: Dr. Stephen Diamantides
Address: 8316 N Hanley Rd, Ste 1-2, Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: 813-890-7246
Fax: 813-890-7220

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

TDW University - Think Out of The Box

Selamat Pagi.. Apa Kabar ??

Bersama Saya Hari ini Tung Desem Waringin , Di dunia saat ini dengan persaingan bisnis yang sangat kompetitif, ada baiknya kita untuk selalu belajar Think Out of The Box, karena dibanding Anda bertarung di red ocean (market yang banyak sekali player bermain disana) , Anda bisa bermain untuk tetap mendapatkan profit dengan bermain di luar kotak.

Sebagai contoh Pada Zaman Wild-Wild-West, terjadi trend mengali emas dan tiba-tiba semua orang pergi ke barat untuk mencari emas, tetapi tahukah Anda siapa yang paling kaya?
yang menggali emas ? BUKAN

Ternyata yang paling kaya adalah YANG JUAL JEANS (LEVI’S), YANG JUAL SEKOP kenapa? karena disaat semua ikut-ikutan menggali emas, mereka tiba-tiba mempunyai kebutuhan yang sama yaitu celana jeans dan sekop. Jadi pada saat itu orang-orang yang dapat melihat peluang bisnis tersebut, akan menjual jeans atau sekop karena mereka tidak ikut-ikutan mencari emas tapi fokus apa yang akan banyak di cari saat trend emas itu terjadi.

Ketika ada trend yang semua orang suka olah raga lari, kita jual apa supaya larinya lebih cepat?


Ada bisnis sampingan yang bisa anda sediakan saat semua orang lari menuju trend nya, apalagi kalau Anda sendirian

Waktu dulu, di indonesia ada musim ternak jangkrik, Anda bisa jadi konsultan bisnis jangkrik, jual pakan jangkrik, tidak perlu ikut-ikutan ternak jangkrik.

Saat ada bisnis yang trend,harus pintar mencari sampingannya apa saja. Bukan hanya memiliki pemikiran yang terpaku pada 1 hal saja. Untuk itulah Anda harus belajar Think Out of The Box.

Untuk melatih hal ini Anda bisa meningkatkan kreativitas Anda, tetapi kecenderungan banyak orang tidak cukup kreatif sehingga bermain ditempat yang sama , dan berakhir dengan perang harga dan mulai saling menjelekkan. Hal yang lain , yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk melatih Think Out of The Box ini adalah dengan cara memiliki seorang mentor yang bisa melatih Anda kapanpun yang Anda inginkan dan komunitas yang bisa saling membantu Anda untuk semakin kreatif melihat peluang bisnis.

Dan hal lainnya adalah untuk melatih Anda menjadi lebih aware akan peluang-peluang seperti ini adalah dengan cara terus belajar dan open mind , mau belajar kepada siapapun yang lebih baik.

Demikian dari Saya, untuk membuktikan komitmen langkah kecil pertama Anda. Anda bisa memostingkan comment dengan box yang ada di bawah ini, dengan mengetikkan “Saya akan Terus Belajar dan Open Mind , ini Janji Saya !”

Salam Dahsyat,

Tung Desem Waringin

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Visualize and Affirm Your Desired Outcomes

A Step-by-Step Guide
by Jack Canfield

Hole in OneYou have an awesome power that most of us have never been taught to use effectively.

Elite athletes use it. The super rich use it. And peak performers in all fields now use it. That power is called visualization.

The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals and ambitions.

Visualization of your goals and desires accomplishes four very important things.

1.) It activates your creative subconscious which will start generating creative ideas to achieve your goal.

2.) It programs your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your dreams.

3.) It activates the law of attraction, thereby drawing into your life the people, resources, and circumstances you will need to achieve your goals.

4.) It builds your internal motivation to take the necessary actions to achieve your dreams.

Visualization is really quite simple. You sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine -- in as vivid detail as you can -- what you would be looking at if the dream you have were already realized. Imagine being inside of yourself, looking out through your eyes at the ideal result.

Mental Rehearsal

Athletes call this visualization process "mental rehearsal," and they have been using it since the 1960s when we learned about it from the Russians.

All you have to do is set aside a few minutes a day. The best times are when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer, and right before you go to bed. These are the times you are most relaxed.

Go through the following three steps:

STEP 1. Imagine sitting in a movie theater, the lights dim, and then the movie starts. It is a movie of you doing perfectly whatever it is that you want to do better. See as much detail as you can create, including your clothing, the expression on your face, small body movements, the environment and any other people that might be around. Add in any sounds you would be hearing -- traffic, music, other people talking, cheering. And finally, recreate in your body any feelings you think you would be experiencing as you engage in this activity.

STEP 2. Get out of your chair, walk up to the screen, open a door in the screen and enter into the movie. Now experience the whole thing again from inside of yourself, looking out through your eyes. This is called an "embodied image" rather than a "distant image." It will deepen the impact of the experience. Again, see everything in vivid detail, hear the sounds you would hear, and feel the feelings you would feel.

STEP 3. Finally, walk back out of the screen that is still showing the picture of you performing perfectly, return to your seat in the theater, reach out and grab the screen and shrink it down to the size of a cracker. Then, bring this miniature screen up to your mouth, chew it up and swallow it. Imagine that each tiny piece -- just like a hologram -- contains the full picture of you performing well. Imagine all these little screens traveling down into your stomach and out through the bloodstream into every cell of your body. Then imagine that every cell of your body is lit up with a movie of you performing perfectly. It's like one of those appliance store windows where 50 televisions are all tuned to the same channel.

When you have finished this process -- it should take less than five minutes -- you can open your eyes and go about your business. If you make this part of your daily routine, you will be amazed at how much improvement you will see in your life.

Create Goal Pictures

Another powerful technique is to create a photograph or picture of yourself with your goal, as if it were already completed. If one of your goals is to own a new car, take your camera down to your local auto dealer and have a picture taken of yourself sitting behind the wheel of your dream car. If your goal is to visit Paris, find a picture or poster of the Eiffel Tower and cut out a picture of yourself and place it into the picture.

Create a Visual Picture and an Affirmation for Each Goal

We recommend that you find or create a picture of every aspect of your dream life. Create a picture or a visual representation for every goal you have -- financial, career, recreation, new skills and abilities, things you want to purchase, and so on.

When we were writing the very first Chicken Soup for the Soul® book, we took a copy of the New York Times best seller list, scanned it into our computer, and using the same font as the newspaper, typed Chicken Soup for the Soul into the number one position in the "Paperback Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous" category. We printed several copies and hung them up around the office. Less than two years later, our book was the number one book in that category and stayed there for over a year!

Index Cards

We practice a similar discipline every day. We each have a list of about 30-40 goals we are currently working on. We write each goal on a 3x5 index card and keep those cards near our bed and take them with us when we travel. Each morning and each night we go through the stack of cards, one at a time, read the card, close our eyes, see the completion of that goal in its perfect desired state for about 15 seconds, open our eyes and repeat the process with the next card.

Use Affirmations to Support Your Visualization

An affirmation is a statement that evokes not only a picture, but the experience of already having what you want. Here's an example of an affirmation:

I am happily vacationing 2 months out of the year in a tropical paradise, and working just four days a week owning my own business.

Repeating an affirmation several times a day keeps you focused on your goal, strengthens your motivation, and programs your subconscious by sending an order to your crew to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

Expect Results

Through writing down your goals, using the power of visualization and repeating your affirmations, you can achieve amazing results.

Visualization and affirmations allow you to change your beliefs, assumptions, and opinions about the most important person in your life -- YOU! They allow you to harness the 18 billion brain cells in your brain and get them all working in a singular and purposeful direction.

Your subconscious will become engaged in a process that transforms you forever. The process is invisible and doesn't take a long time. It just happens over time, as long as you put in the time to visualize and affirm, surround yourself with positive people, read uplifting books and listen to audio programs that flood your mind with positive, life-affirming messages.

Repeat your affirmations every morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking... woven into the very fabric of your being.

© 2009 Jack Canfield

Adsense Black Magig

Anda semua pasti sudah mengenal yang namanya Google Adsense, yaitu sebuah program dari google yang akan membayar anda apabila anda mempunyai Blog atau Website dan anda menampilkan iklan dari google di Blog atau Website tersebut, kemudian pengunjung yang datang klik iklan yang ada.

Untuk terjun ke dalam salah satu model bisnis internet ini diperlukan kesabaran yang tinggi, karena banyak hal yang harus dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu agar hasilnya bisa maksimal.

Untuk anda yang menginginkan hasil yang lebih cepat tanpa perlu melakukan trial and error lagi dan anda adalah orang yang termasuk berani mengambil resiko, anda bisa mencoba Adsense Black Magic dari Welly Mulia sebagai salah satu cara untuk anda cepat menghasilkan dari Google Adsense.

Pada Adsense Black Magic anda tidak akan menemukan E-Book dengan teori yang panjang dan bertele-tele, anda akan mendapatkan beberapa video training yang langsung kepokok permasalahan to the point, dengan membeli Adsense Black Magic anda akan menemukan sebuah pengalaman yang sangat baru, kalo boleh saya katakan anda akan menemukan sebuah cara yang relatif cepat untuk menghasilkan Dollar melalui Google Adsense.

Metode yang ditawarkan adalah metode Black Hat, dari namanya anda sudah bisa menerka bahwa metode ini mengandung resiko, makanya metode ini cocok sekali untuk anda yang berani mengambil resiko seperti saya. Karena saya berpikir semua yang ada didunia ini pasti memiliki resiko untuk diri kita.

Adsense Black Magic terdiri dari 8 Video :

  1. Video 1 : Introduction & Overview
  2. Video 2 : Memilih Topik yang Bayarannya Mahal
  3. Video 3 : Memastikan Topik yang dipilih ada Peminatnya
  4. Video 4 : Menggunakan Keyword tertentu untuk mendatangkan pengunjung
  5. Video 5 : membuat Blog Anda
  6. Video 6 : Membuat Content untuk Blog Anda
  7. Video 7 : Membuat Adsense Anda di Klik Pengunjung
  8. Video 8 : Conclusion & Summary

Dengan mempelajari Video series di atas, anda tidak perlu repot memikirkan tentang kompetitor, karena ada satu cara yang akan dijelaskan bagaimana membuat sebuah keyword yang dapat mendatangkan pengunjung ke blog atau website anda dari search engine google. di sini juga akan dijelaskan bagaimana anda bisa dengan cepat membuat sebuah blog dan mengisinya dengan puluhan halaman content bahkan bisa sampai ratusan.

Tapi tunggu dulu selain video series di atas, anda juga akan mendapatkan 4 video tambahan sebagai bonus tentang bagaimana melakukan promosi untuk blog atau website anda, di sini anda akan mendapatkan cara promosi melalui Social Bookmarking, dengan menggunakan Ping, Yahoo Answer dan promosi dengan menggunakan Blog Bantuan

Adsense Black Magic juga memberikan Garansi 100 % uang anda kembali, jika dalam 30 hari anda tidak merasakan manfaat dari produk ini

Apakah anda tertarik untuk mencoba cara yang ditawarkan oleh Adsense Black Magic ?

silahkan anda langsung melakukan pemesanan produk tersebut di sini :

Why Adsense

First, because AdSense is a very simple and proven solution that already pays for hundreds of thousands of blogs/websites accross the world!

Also, AdSense is provided to you by Google which not only makes it reliable but also trustworthy. Once you have earned money from Google, you can actually trust them to pay it to you!

Finally, because the ads will be contexual, i-e they will be relevant to the content of your blog/site. This way, your visitors will not be offended for seeing the ads on your site.

How do I get started?

It's as simple as that:

  1. Sign up with Google AdSense. (It's totally free!)
  2. When visitors view your site they see contextual text ads that automatically adjust to the contents of each page / blog post so that they are always relevant. No flashing images, just relevant text links! :)
  3. When a visitor clicks on an ad link, Google records the click and you get paid for it. Get ready for a monthly check from Google ;)

What Are the Best Things in Your Life?

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.
Clarissa P. Estes, PhD

The forty-five best things in your life (with 2 bonuses)

  1. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
  2. A hot shower.
  3. No lines at the Super Wal-Mart
  4. A special glance.
  5. Getting mail.
  6. Taking a drive on a scenic road.
  7. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
  8. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
  9. Hot towels out of the dryer.
  10. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
  11. Chocolate milkshake
  12. A long distance phone call.
  13. A bubble bath.
  14. Giggling.
  15. A good conversation.
  16. The beach.
  17. Finding a 100$ in your coat from last winter.
  18. Laughing at yourself.
  19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
  20. Running through sprinklers.
  21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
  22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
  23. Laughing at an inside joke.
  24. Friends.
  25. Falling in love for the first time.
  26. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
  27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
  28. Your first kiss.
  29. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
  30. Playing with a puppy.
  31. Late night talks with your roommate.
  32. Having someone play with your hair.
  33. Sweet dreams.
  34. Falling in love.
  35. Hot chocolate.
  36. Road trips with friends.
  37. Swinging on swings.
  38. Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
  39. Wrapping presents while eating cookies and drinking cola
  40. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
  41. Going to a really good concert.
  42. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
  43. Making chocolate chip cookies.
  44. Hugging the person you love.
  45. Watching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
  46. Watching the sunrise.
  47. Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day

Learn From The Best, TAKE ACTION Miracle Happen

"Anda satu langkah lagi dari mendapatkan Akses Ke Pembelajaran Rahasia Sukses, Financial, Marketing dan Bisnis Terlengkap, yang telah Mengubah Orang Biasa, secara langkah demi langkah Menjadi Milyuner"

Nantikan Launching TDW University pada tanggal 15 April 2009

Silahkan anda klik disini [TDW University] untuk info lengkap dan dapatkan :

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Jika Anda ingin sekali merevolusi hidup ini , dan menjadi pribadi yang lebih Dahsyat di dalam Kehidupan , Bisnis , Keuangan dan Sukses yang telah Anda capai. Maka segeralah belajar dari orang sukses pak Tung Desem Waringin melalui TDW University.

Daftarkan diri Anda sebagai VIP Membership Notification dengan cara klik [TDW University]. Dan dapatkan hak VIP sebagai berikut :
  • Tiket Seminar 3 Hari Financial Revolution - Bagaimana Bertumbuh semakin Kaya di saat Krisis Global senilai Rp. 4.933.500,- (Anda pilih sendiri Kota Anda : Jakarta, Surabaya , Bandung)
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  • spesial diskon dari TDW University saat hari peluncurannya
Salam Dahsyat

TDW University - Tempat Anda merevolusi Hidup , Bisnis dan Keuangan Anda

p.s. segera klik [TDW University] untuk mendapatkan bonus 24 prinsip milliarder yang mencerahkan plus kesempatan memenangkan bonus senilai Rp. 50.000.000,-

TDW University

Para ABG pun sudah nge-blog. Sudahkah anda?

Aktifitas Ngeblog sekarang sudah merupakan hal biasa, dari kalangan muda sampai dengan kalangan orang tua. Semua orang bisa melakukan itu dan sudah banyak situs situs untuk membuat blog secara gratis yaitu Blogger.Com atau Wordpress.Com...

Sekedar membuat blog tidak rumit, nah yang sulit adalah memperkenalkan blog anda agar banyak dikunjubgi orang dan mengkonversi mengunjung tersebut untuk menjadi penghasilan kita dan menjadi pelanggan blog kita. Semua itu susah susah gmapang, perlu kesabaran dan mau belajar dari yang sudah berpengalaman atau belajar dari bloger bloger lain yang sudah berpengalaman.

Salah satunya pak Welly yang sudah membuat E-book tentang hal ini, dapat diikuti oleh pemula dan diajarkan secara step by step, asal ada kemauan untuk belajar dan TAKE ACTION. Pak Welly memberi judul e-book nya "Ngeblog Dapet Duit"

Sekarang Anda bisa mendapatkan tutorialnya yang sangat lengkap, dari pak Welly. Saya berikan pengantarnya untuk Anda disini: Ngeblog Dapet Duit

Jadi jika ada kemauan dan ada semangat untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari aktifitas ngeblog anda, saya sarankan untuk menginvestasikan diri anda untuk memiliki ebook ini dan mempelajarinya segera, karena ada kemauan tanpa TAKE ACTION hanya NATO...

Jadi TAKE ACTION segera.....